
LNR: Couldn’t sleep so I’m reviving my blog

*Taps mic* Is... Is this thing on? It... It is?! Well great. Uhh... Hi? I'm Peanut. I've been gone for a while. I've been gone so long I graduated. I got a first btw. You can go ahead and clap for me. It's currently almost 5 am and I can't sleep. Probably should be revising.… Continue reading LNR: Couldn’t sleep so I’m reviving my blog


Flipped Switch

I thought about something unpleasant earlier. Not just the unpleasant event, but all my feelings afterwards, and my anger and frustration of not being taken seriously or heard or believed. I don't normally think about it, but I feel like watching stuff about dissociation just flipped a switch in me, and I go into brooding… Continue reading Flipped Switch

Anxiety · Friends · Mental Health · Personal · social anxiety · Social Ineptitude

Double-Teaming Anxiety: Me and Zii

I've been having trouble figuring out a name to give my closest uni friend for a while now, but I thought I'd settle on Zii. Zii is the name of a character in a webcomic called Ménage à trois (A real cool NSFW comic- loads of lgbt characters because yeah, I like that shit). Keep… Continue reading Double-Teaming Anxiety: Me and Zii