Mental Health · Personal

Access Denied

T/W Discussing abuse. Not in any real detail, but it comes up. So in The Sims 4, the alien sims have the ability to wipe a person's memory of them from the other sim's mind. I think that's pretty cool, but it would be more awesome if you could actually wipe their whole memory (and… Continue reading Access Denied

Dear Diary · Mental Health · Personal · Relationships · sexuality

Netflix and Chill

Yo, how're you doing? I'm been busting my backside trying to get all my revision notes done before my exams which are actually starting this month! I know. My university is evil. But I've got a little time here so I'm gonna give a quick life update. And it's actually not going to be negative… Continue reading Netflix and Chill

Anxiety · Friends · Mental Health · Personal · social anxiety · Social Ineptitude

Double-Teaming Anxiety: Me and Zii

I've been having trouble figuring out a name to give my closest uni friend for a while now, but I thought I'd settle on Zii. Zii is the name of a character in a webcomic called Ménage à trois (A real cool NSFW comic- loads of lgbt characters because yeah, I like that shit). Keep… Continue reading Double-Teaming Anxiety: Me and Zii

Dear Diary · Mental Health · Personal

With Unwanted Thoughts at Bay, I’m Having a Lovely Day

Hey!! Peanut here. I'm in a good mood for once today!! I mean, this morning I did have an argument with my mum, but I think I'll make a separate post about all that. Let's focus on the positives for now! Well, it's not like anything amazing happened, but today went pretty nicely. I had… Continue reading With Unwanted Thoughts at Bay, I’m Having a Lovely Day

Mental Health · Personal · Social Ineptitude · Update

A Lot of Reflection

Possible trigger warning? Talking about the subject of abuse, but there's no super graphic descriptions of abuse. I just thought I should mention this. I don't want to trigger anyone, seriously. (And by 'trigger' I don't mean 'offend' I mean literally 'trigger') Hey. This'll be somewhat of an update since I've been pretty much silent… Continue reading A Lot of Reflection

Mental Health · Personal

Sort of a Life Update: Mental Health and Uni Stuff

Hey, So I've been avoiding blogging recently, or at least, I didn't feel like it. Luckily I've had some stuff scheduled in the meantime (but those are gonna finish soon!) Since I've made a few personal posts, I wanted to avoid making another personal one for a while. I didn't want to fall down that… Continue reading Sort of a Life Update: Mental Health and Uni Stuff